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Celtic Gods Bracelets

Celtic Gods Bracelets Celtic Gods Bracelets Celtic Gods Bracelets Celtic Gods Bracelets Celtic Gods Bracelets Celtic Gods Bracelets Celtic Gods Bracelets Celtic Gods Bracelets Celtic Gods Bracelets Celtic Gods Bracelets Celtic Gods Bracelets Celtic Gods Bracelets Celtic Gods Bracelets Celtic Gods Bracelets Celtic Gods Bracelets Celtic Gods Bracelets
Celtic Gods Bracelets
Only 12 available
Deity Options

Choose from a selection of Celtic God inspired bracelets. Choose from three sizes; 6.5 inch, 7.5 inch, and 8.5 inch options 

Don’t see the Deity you venerate or work with? No problem! Just send me an email at for a free consultation to craft a custom bracelet for your desired Deity!

My current selection of Celtic God bracelet are:

Artio: Petrified Wood Jasper and Moss Agate with silver Bear Paw

Cernunnos: Moss Agate and Gray Labradorite with silver Antler

Lugh: Sunstone and Goldstone with silver Raven

Clíodhna: Frosted Quartz and Rose Quartz with silver Fairy

Arawn: Jet and Carnelian with silver Hound

Rhiannon: White Jade and Garnet with silver Horse

Cailleach: Smokey Quartz and Howlite with silver Snowflake

Manannan Mac Lir: Sodalite and Blue Sapphire Quartz with silver Hound

The Dagda: Faux Malachite and Citrine with silver Harp

Brigid: Sunstone and Green Jade with silver Flame

Cerridwen: Amethyst and Smokey Quartz with silver Hound

Elen of The Ways: Green Aventurine and Faux Amber with silver Antler

Danu: Peridot and Blue Tigers Eye with silver Triskle

Taranis: Sodalite and Citrine with silver Lightning Bolt

Blodeuwedd: Rose Quartz and Garnet with silver Rose

Áine: Sunstone and Citrine with bronze Sun

Gwyn Ap Nudd: Gray Labradorite and Moss Agate with silver Antler

The Morrigan: Larvikite and Black Hematite Moons with Black Feather