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Greek Gods Simple Earrings

Greek Gods Simple Earrings Greek Gods Simple Earrings Greek Gods Simple Earrings Greek Gods Simple Earrings Greek Gods Simple Earrings Greek Gods Simple Earrings Greek Gods Simple Earrings Greek Gods Simple Earrings Greek Gods Simple Earrings Greek Gods Simple Earrings Greek Gods Simple Earrings Greek Gods Simple Earrings Greek Gods Simple Earrings Greek Gods Simple Earrings Greek Gods Simple Earrings
Greek Gods Simple Earrings
Only 5 available
Deity Option

Choose from a selection of Greek God inspired simple earrings. This is a 1 set of earrings, which is two pieces 

Don’t see the Deity you venerate or work with? No problem! Just send me an email at for a free consultation to craft a set of custom earrings for your desired Deity!

My current selection of Greek God Earrings are:

Hades:  Goldsheen Obsidian with silver Skulls

Morpheus: Lapis Lazuli with silver Moths

Persephone: Rhodonite with silver Pomegranates

Ares: Carnelian with silver Swords

Poseidon: Teal Howlite with silver Tridents

Hermes: Purple and Yellow Rain Flower Jade with silver Caduceus 

Athena: Sodalite with silver Owls

Hera: Purple Tigers Eye with silver Peacocks

Aphrodite: Angel Aura Quartz with silver Swans

Apollo: Citrine with silver Lyre

Dionysus: Purple/Bronze Cloisonné with silver grapes

Artemis: Moonstone with silver Arrows

Hecate: Smokey Quartz with silver Torches

Amphitrite: Sky Quartz with silver Mermaids