This is the first of a new series focusing on a deity across one of the many pagan pantheons each week
Todays Deity that will kick off the series is the Greek Goddess Hekate (Hecate)
Hekate was originally one of the Titans until Zeus came along. She chose not to fight against Him and soon after was given the title of Goddess.
So Hekate is in both senses a Titan and a Goddess
She is a Goddess of many dominions including magic, the night, the moon, ghosts, and necromancy just to name a few
one of the most famous stories of Her is Her assistance is helping the Goddess Demeter find her daughter Persephone by guiding her through to the dark night with flaming torches
a few things associated with Hecate are black dogs, snakes, torches, crossroads, the color black, the moon, and lavender